75 words/2917 words
My other classes
I have a lot of classes. My
favorite classes are literary history of England and cultural anthropology. I'm
interested in literature. I learn it. I listened to Mother Goose in the
classroom. I think they are rhythmically. Some of it, I have heard. I sometimes
sing it. Cultural anthropology teach me a lot of thing. For example, religions,
culture, and people. I like this, because there are some kind of people all
over the world.
Wake Me in Spring
Finally, in a sad, soft voice, Mouse said, "And I will miss you."Bear needs to sleep during winter. However, mouse will miss you. So mouse suggests him play. Mouse told him harder, because he doesn't sleep. But he says "I don't care."
I understand mouse's hert. I'm so miss. I think mouse wants to play with bear. Mouse's behind is very pretty. Bear says mouse, Please wake me in Spring. They'll play together in Spring. Before bear goes to bed, bear and mouse hug. They's heart are hot.
76 words/2842 words
shivered: (恐怖、寒さで)震える
bone: 骨、身体
watery: 水の、水のような、湿った
sleigh: そり、そりに乗る
steaming: ぽっぽと湯気を立てる
blew: 風が吹く
whispered: ささやく、ひそひそ話をする
Voice-activated elevator and other matters...
I watch movie about elevator. It moved by people's voice. Two man, says "Eleven", but elevator don't move. maybe, I think prounnance is worrying. They keep saying "Eleven" change the prounnanse. I don't understand there's difference. I think it is tired if there is it .
46 words/2766 words
How Elephants lost their wings
But they didn't get their wings back and they never flew again. (P22~23)
Elephants have wings, so they can fly. However, they were taken their wings by gods, because they broke trees and houses. Gods gave them to the peacocks.
I know peacocks have wings which had Elephants. I think they are violent temper. But they didn't get their wings back. I think they are good animals, but they feel sad.
58 words/2720 words
peacocks: クジャク
loop: 輪、ループ
yelled: 熱心な叫び声で
crowed: 鳴く
roosters: おんどり
tummies: おなか
The Gingerbread Man
"I have run away from a farmer, a horse, a cow, a little old woman and a little old man and I can run away from you too!" (P33)
This man is made by a farmer. He is Gingerbread. He run away them. He says them, "I run away from them!" However, he is eaten by fox.
Like them, Fox wants to eat him, too. So he waits for chance. As a result, he was eaten... I think he does't have to run away a farmer, because they want to children. Why he run away? Maybe, he wants to free. However, he's life is very short. I felt regret.
80 words/2662 words
snap: パチンと鳴らす
quarter: 4分の1
How I study English
I study English words. It is
difficult for me to study words that I don't know. At first, I know English
words by Power Words and I test it. I repeat the test, I learn English words.
On the weekend, I read English books and I do my homework. For example, I speak
English by English Central. My pronunciation is bad. So it is difficult to
speak English. However,
69 words/2582 words
Food/eating habits
One of my most favorite foods
are stew. My mother is good at cooking, so it is happy that I came back my
house. I usually have meals prepared at a dormitory. Breakfast is a light meal.
Such as, Fried egg, Bacon and Salad. We have rice and soup at morning and
dinner. It is a lot of kind dishes. It is really good. I sometimes cook rice in
a rice cooker at Lunch. My mother gave me rice and a rice cooker. So, I eat
rice every day. I think Japanese likes rice.
94 words/2513 words
Weekend in Osaka
I went to Osaka in weekend. Osaka has culture witch various food. Osaka is promote by food. Monjayaki and Takoyaki are famous in Osaka. Osaka's food is delicious. There are many interesting people. They like jock. That fanny. If I say jork, they will laugh and
46 words/2419 words
Food in kyushu (2)
Kyushu has many kind of dishes. Some of Kyushu, Kagoshima, Miyazaki
and Hukuoka has them. For example, Taipien is very famous in Kumamoto. I ate it
at school lunch. In Kyushu is abundant of farm. Kumamoto water is very good.
Kyusyu’s vegetable a lot. They are used by many dishes. Such as a cabbage is
used by Champon, Taipien etc. Sweet potato is known well by many people. It is
Kagoshima’s local specially. Also fruit is
very famous. A mango is famous in Miyazaki. Oita make Strawberries and Oranges.
Kumamoto’s Melon is third in Japan.
Meats is famous in Kyushu, too. Jidori is very famous in Miyazaki,
Basashi is famous in Kumamoto. Saga’s meat have a good reputation.
Kyusyu’s food use a lot of specially of various places. I don’t eat
many food, so I want to eat it.
139 words/2373 words
Food in Kumamoto
Some of Kumamoto's dishes are "Oshiboutyou", "Ikinaridanngo" and "Taipan". It are from noodle. I made Oshiboutyou. Noodle is very thin. Famouse Kumamoto's food is watermelon. People eat watermelon's skin for Tukemono.
Karashirennkon is Kumamoto food. However I have never eat it, because I don't eat hot food. Karashi into the renkon
Karashirennkon is Kumamoto food. However I have never eat it, because I don't eat hot food. Karashi into the renkon
51 words/2234 words
Golden week
I came back to my home in Amakusa. I took the bus at 7:20 with my friend. We talked about somethings until reach to Amakusa. The bus reached, I met my mother and my pet. My pet is dog. Ai is very pretty. I ate carry which my mother made. I like it. It was delicious. I walk around places with my dog. She is very powerful. I was tired. We went to elementary school. It is no change. She smell it.
I went to Yakiniku with my father and my old brother. It was really good.
I went to Yakiniku with my father and my old brother. It was really good.
97 words/2183 words
My Golden Week
I came back my home on 2 May. I met my mother and my pet. She is dog. I walked with my dog. She looks happy. I was tired, so I went to bed earlier.
I went to Yakiniku with my father and my brother on 3 May. I ate so much. It was very delicious. Next day, I visited my ancestors' grave with my mother. It was hot day, we were sick from it. However, we were all better. We went to go shopping. I bought some ices, because there were very inexpensive.
I went to my elementary school with my pet. It was very quiet. It don't change from I graduated. She waved her tail.
I went to Kumamoto city on 5 May. I want to come back my home again. I play with my pet more. I hope my family is happy.
I went to Yakiniku with my father and my brother on 3 May. I ate so much. It was very delicious. Next day, I visited my ancestors' grave with my mother. It was hot day, we were sick from it. However, we were all better. We went to go shopping. I bought some ices, because there were very inexpensive.
I went to my elementary school with my pet. It was very quiet. It don't change from I graduated. She waved her tail.
I went to Kumamoto city on 5 May. I want to come back my home again. I play with my pet more. I hope my family is happy.
145 words/2086 words
May 1
I have 3 classes on Thursday. I got up at 7:30. I ate breakfast in dormitory. Today's breakfast is rice, mi so soup and Takuan. It was delicious. I think everyday's breakfast is really good.
I went to class until 9:00. It class ought to reach the room until 9:00. I thought Thursday is don't late. I should get up until 8:30. It takes 3 minutes to go to University from dormitory. I have done 3 classes, I went to Internet room for my homework.
I'm looking forward to come back my house. I will go to my home tomorrow, because this week is Golden week. So I done my homework as possible as. I went to library and read some newspaper for my reading class. It is hard for me to do homework, because I read English news papers. But I try done it. Also, I typing for my listening with my friend. We are enjoyed doing typing words. I thought answer for questions and typing it. Sometimes, we talked about our homework. 3 hours after, we went to us home. I came back University's dormitory and prepare for tomorrow. I prepare medicine for motion sickness and my Internet.
I contacted my mother for tomorrow. I will came back my home by bus with my friend. Also she is from Amakusa. I hear that my contacts went to Amakusa on April 29. She said there is very beautiful. Food was very delicious. There has some history. I felt grad to hear her talks.
I have 5 period class on Friday. It done , I will go to bus center. I will have a rendezvous with my friend. We appointed it by mail. We take a bus together.
I will enjoy in my house. I have many plans. I will write about it again.
I went to class until 9:00. It class ought to reach the room until 9:00. I thought Thursday is don't late. I should get up until 8:30. It takes 3 minutes to go to University from dormitory. I have done 3 classes, I went to Internet room for my homework.
I'm looking forward to come back my house. I will go to my home tomorrow, because this week is Golden week. So I done my homework as possible as. I went to library and read some newspaper for my reading class. It is hard for me to do homework, because I read English news papers. But I try done it. Also, I typing for my listening with my friend. We are enjoyed doing typing words. I thought answer for questions and typing it. Sometimes, we talked about our homework. 3 hours after, we went to us home. I came back University's dormitory and prepare for tomorrow. I prepare medicine for motion sickness and my Internet.
I contacted my mother for tomorrow. I will came back my home by bus with my friend. Also she is from Amakusa. I hear that my contacts went to Amakusa on April 29. She said there is very beautiful. Food was very delicious. There has some history. I felt grad to hear her talks.
I have 5 period class on Friday. It done , I will go to bus center. I will have a rendezvous with my friend. We appointed it by mail. We take a bus together.
I will enjoy in my house. I have many plans. I will write about it again.
304 words/1941 words
"Come here and let me taste you."(P 11)

The big family are hungry, so them mother cooks big a Pancake. But Pancake run away from them. Pancake is chased by dog, dug and cat. They want to catch and eat it. Pancake says,
"I'm delicious but you'll never catch me!"
Pancake meets a pig. Pig is very clever , he can eat a Pancake.
How Pig eats it , I think "I see" after read book.
But I don't think I want to eat it...
How Pig eats it , I think "I see" after read book.
But I don't think I want to eat it...
77 words/1637 words
pour: 注ぐ、かける
snoozing: 居眠りをしている
farmyard: 農場の庭
chasing: 追う、追跡する
clever: 利口な、賢い
gasped: あえぎ、息切れした
closer: 接近した、近くて
snap: パチンと鳴らす
swallow: ぐいっと飲む、飲み込む
Polar Bears
Their mother teaches the cubs how to hunt, and how to keep clean.(P42)

A Polar bear grow her children. She teaches the cubs for their future. However, they are danger.
Polar bears are in danger of dying out. (P 47)
Some people hunt them. I think we ought to save them.
46 words/1560 words
claw: とがった爪
supper: 夕食
melt: 溶ける、やわらぐ
blubber: おいおい泣く、アザラシの脂肪
den: 野獣の住む穴
cub: 肉食動物の子
wrestle: つかみ合う
Golden week plans
I have Golden week plans. At first,
I came back my house by bus. It takes about 2 hours to go to Amakusa from
Kumamoto. I meet My mother and my pet. I will eat she's dishes. It is really
good. I like it. I walk with my dog. She likes walking. She is powerful, so I
was been tired. I will clean my room. I think
68 words/1514 words
My hobbies
My hobby is drawing a picture.
I see around nature and draw it. I feel happy. It is difficult for me to draw
human's moving. However, I like drawing it. It has vitality, so it gives me
power. I will try to drawing well more than now. Also, my hobby is singing. I
like listen to music and singing it in Karaoke with my friend. My friend sings
well. I'm interested listen to it.
76 words/1446 words
Music I like
I often listen to music is
PornoGraffitti of Japanese music. I like them. I practice them song long time
and I often sing in Karaoke. I also sing foreign music. For example, Butterfly
of Smile. It is difficult for me to pronounce of English words. But I practice
it too. I wan
52 words/1370 words
First classes and new school year
My this year is study year. I
hear that this year is busy. However I try to study new classes with my
friends. I think I could make good schedule every week. So I feel interested. I
listen to friends talk about classes. I could take I'm interested in classes. I
try to keep study for my future. This year is very fun. I want
66 words/1318 words
My usually Lunch
I sometimes eat breads for
Lunch. However, I often use a college cafeteria and I often eat noodles. I like
Udon Noodle, so I eat it. Also I eat beef bowl. But it is difficult for me to a
rise in price. However, dishes are really good. I have ate Lunch, I eat soft
cream. Hot day is very delicious. I
61 words/1252 words
Birthday’s present
My friends gave me some
presents on my birthday. For example, Bag, Watch and Power Stone. I felt grad
and keep important them. I take watch on my left wrist everyday and I use bag
for into the textbooks. I think them gives me a happy, so I use them. Also, I
gave my friends present on them birthday. It takes times to choose present for
them. But I like it. I remember them likes color, animals and objects. I
80 words/1191 words
My usually weekend
I often do my homework
weekend. I'm
loose. I try to finish it. I done it, I listen to the music and relax. I have
little sleep in the afternoon. 30 minutes after, I get up and sit down on my
chair. I sometimes play with my friend. We go to city go to shopping.
56 words/1111 words
I went to zoo
I went to Zoo with my friend
in last Saturday. We did feel hot, but we walk around Zoo. I looked first
animal was Monkey. They were small and pretty. We looked a lot of animals. Lions,
birds, Beers. We were very enjoyed. So, I want to go there again. I
51 words/1055 words
My name is Ayaka. I like dogs.
I have a dog at my home. She is Shibainu. So pretty. I don't eat lemon and
celery. Also, I don't drink black coffee. I come to school by walk. I live in
dormitory. I'm from Amakusa city. It's very far. I have many friends at
Kumamoto gakuen University. I often
62 words/1004 words
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