
Food I ate

I ate 5 coffee jells. I like it, so I felt happy. I ate 2 puddings. It is very delicious!

I ate Sara-udon. It texture is crispy. It's very delicious. I like it.
I had a candy. What do you see it? I think it is like mouse...

47 words/7363 words


I did some play game when I was so young, for example, I played with beanbags, I played cat's cradle and origami. I think there are Japanese tradition. I used to make a crane by an origami. It is difficult for me to make an origami. In addition to I made a frog, paper balloon and shuriken with origami.

We made a beanbag in elementary school with my parent. I sewed with thread and completed it. It is pink. I tried to toss three beanbags, but I can't it. I can toss two beanbags. Now, I sometimes play, I make progress little.

I used to play cat's cradle when I was a little. I made a kabuto by it. I played it with my friend. I was so interesting. However, I forget it, so I can't play. That's too bad. It is very hard for me to play it.

We played the card game of the one hundred famous poems. I tried to learn it by heart. However, I lose the game. I was regretful.

There are more Japanese tradition other. I think we should transmit a tradition to posterity. So I lean it more. So I try to do them during summer vacation.

204 words/7316 words


Today is last day of July. August starting tomorrow. We are having very hot days.
Today, I have 1 test. It started 9:30. However, I forgot pens. I was upset, I went back to dormitory to get my pencil box.  I think I should make sure my belongings before I go to a university.
Tomorrow, I have 2 examinations. I try to do my best!
66 words/7112 words


Food I ate recently.

I ate some delicious foods. I ate Soft ice cream with my friend. I felt like it was delicious, because it was burning hot! Also I like it.
I ate a hamburger steak in dormitory. I was so happy!
It looked so delicious that I ate it earlier than I had planned.

 50 words/7046 words



I'll write about Switzerland. This country's official languages are German, French, Italian and Romance language. Many languages are spoken by the Swiss people. Over half of the Swiss speak German. Switzerland has many local dishes. Italian, French and German dishes made Switzerland's dishes. I think cheese is very famous. There are famous dishes by use cheese. I hear that the cheese fondu is delicious.
Switzerland has many world heritages, for example, Abbay of St Gall.
74 words/6996 words



 I went bowling with my friends. We did game. I lost the game. My friends very well. I want to go bowling again.
24 words/6922 words



 My friend's hair is very short. "I got my hair cut" she said. When I look at her, I didn't really know who she is. She wore her hair very long. So I was very surprised. However, the fair suits her very well. I think changing your hair makes create different feelings.
54 words/6898 words


Hannah and The Hurricane

"I like working for Mr Duval. Money isn't everything."(P4)
She works on the glass-bottomed boat.  They can look at beautiful fish and coral by it. One day, she found new boat. She said new boat's owner, "Stop this." She refused his offer, "Money isn't everything." I think it is very good word.
She asked him at hurricane day. She found he, but he was going to die. She help him harder. He survived. He asked her, "Can I give you?" She said, "Money isn't everything."
I think she was great. Her word is impression. I think money is important, but money isn't everything, too.  She really likes Mr Duval and his boat. I think the feeling makes her strong. Her risk was very big. However, she was brave. I don't have act as her, so I want to follow her example.
134 words/6844 words

glass-bottom: ガラスの底、水底
coral: さんご
find out: 調べる、知る
nasty: 不快な、いやな、危険な
brave: 勇敢な、勇ましい

Goals of the World Cup (rewrite)

I watch the World Cup. I think it is great. I want to play soccer with my friend. I think goal is big, so goal keeper is hard. Also, players are very hard. I think soccer is hard. I think player's foot is strong. The ball was thrown. There are people. They were cheer. I don't know soccer rule well.
60 words/6710 words

Goals of the World Cup

Today, I watch the soccer. I think great I watch decided goals. I remember goals by head. I don't know soccer well, but I think it is great. I want to play soccer. There are many people. They shout when he decided goals.
43 words/6650 words


Movie review

I watch the short movie, "The Next Three Days." This movie's director is Paul Haggis. Actor is Russell Crowe, actress is Elizabeth Banks. I think the most famous people.

The story about prison escape. She was arrested by polices, but he think she must be innocent. He knows that she tried to kill herself in prison, he plans prison escape. There are many highlights, for example, detailed plans and thrilling. I was afraid the mission be success.
The movie make me impressions. He swear his wife that he'll help her. This word is impression.

I want to know last scene. I think this movie gives some feelings.
106 words/6607 words


Today, we do the dormitory's cleaning. First, we picked up garbage in the garden. However, there are few garbage. It's good. We found tennis balls. My friend throw them. Next, we clean a common room. But the room is very beautiful. We finished early. We cleaned laundry. We use scrubbing brush. The floor became beautiful.
The cleaning done. I was tired, but I think it became clean.
66 words/ 6501 words


Vacation plans

I have a lot of vacation plans. First, I'll do part-time-job at Gakuen University's open campus. I'm dormitory student, so I can guide in dormitory. I'll do my best. I'll go back my home in Amakusa. I have to go hospital for my dog. I think my dog hate hospital, so she will behave violently. But I should bring her. There is a tray, I'll visit my ancestor's grave. I'm going to clean my house. There are many Newspapers. My mother asked me brings them. I say Yes. I'll take class in September, so I go back Kumamoto city. I prepare for class.
114 words/6435 words

About blogging

My blog's color is Orange. I haven't never blog until I became university student. It is 6014 words that I write on blog. I posted 14 in April, 24 in May and June. It is interesting for me to write on blog. I sometimes post some pictures which I took, for example, flowers, animals and my visited places. I like post my dog's picture. I want to post more than now. We should write 8000 words, I'll do my best. I think I toke dairy on my blog. I'll write more. I think my blog is fan.
102 words/6321 words

Your own topic(2)

I'll write about my usually day. I usually get up at 7 a.m, because I do radio gymnastics with my friend. We eat breakfast after we done it. I go to university by walk. I have dinner at 6 p.m. I sometimes go to library for study, but I forget the time, because I read books. I rent English picture book. I use computer for check my mail and I write on my blog. I sometimes I do walking and shopping. I usually go to bed at 11 p.m. It hot day, I think
98 words/6219 words

Dick Whittington

He bought the biggest cat from the stall and ran home(P29)

The story is about boy. He called Dick Whittington. He can get job and salary. He have trouble about mouse. So he bought the biggest cat. It success. The cat get mouse. He can asleep well. However, his master said you have anything to sell, I'll go on the ship. He has only cat, so he sell it. He looks so sad. He couldn't asleep well tonight. He couldn't work hard. He try to go back his country. He heard church bells rang out. He went back to work place, his master said "Your cat very good." He became rich.
He very happy. I think good story. 
107 words/6121 words

Yummy: 美味しい、すばらしい
set off: 出発する、始動させる、引き起こす
get off: 出発する、発送される、退社する
squeak: (ネズミなどが)チューチュー鳴く
strange: 奇妙な、不思議な、変な
mayor: 市長、町長


Your own topic

I'll write about English words. I think the more I learn them, the more I understand English. However, it is difficult for me to learn them. One day, I went to theater for watch the movie. There were contents, a heroine leaned foreign language. She was cried and smiled when learned them with her emotion. I tried to do as her. I didn't it. But I understand I don't know word's mean little, for example, I think this word's mean is bad, good...I want to know English words more.
95 words/6014 words

About my keitai

I have mobile phone. My mobile phone is feature phone. My father bought me it when I was high school student. It can take picture clearly than I had one before. I get used to it. My friend told me that my type is fast. My cell phone has a lot of pictures of my dog. My cell phone’s screen is my dog, She is very pretty. My cell phone’s color is pink. I use function of twitter every day. It is great. It makes me interested. I think it is short novel. Sometimes, I meet great sentence. I want to type word as them. I often use mail.
111 words/5919 words



I watched the TV. The title is "Sekaiichi Uketai Jyugyo." The theme was "Non Japanese think the good point in Japan." It was ranking! I listen to them talk, for example, a vending machine don't set up outside...I surprised each country's talks as it. I remained my friend's talk about country. She went to foreign. She surprised the meat number of times is a lots. She got bewilder the difference of Japan and foreign. I think they were surprised, too. I want to know about it more and visit some countries. I want to see foreign sight and get souvenir.
102 words/5808 words

Chicken Licken

"Oh no!" he said. "The sky must be falling."(P13)
This story is about Chicken. He was scared everything, for example, mouse, shadow and snake. One day, he sit under the tree. A acorn dropped and hit him head. He thought the sky is falling. He went farm and told his company. Them went to place where acorn hit his head. Them met a fox. He guide them, but he thought eat them. He try to eat then the acorn hit him head. He thought "The sky is failing!"
I think them can escaped from fox, but I wish he wasn't scared everything and he lives strong. A acorn isn't scared.
 101 words/5706 words

yikes: げっ
acorn: どんぐり
barn: 納屋
chase: 追跡

著者 : Russell Punter
Usborne Publishing Ltd
発売日 : 2013-09-01


The Three Wishes

"Thank you. Have three wishes," said the fairy.(P8)

One day, man helped a fairy. After this, fairy said "Have three wishes." He looks so happy, because he shouted him wife. They thought about three wishes. He wished sausage. It appeared. But she angry. "You fool!" He angry, too. He wished it was on the end of her nose. It was, she looks very surprised and she was troubled. End up, he wished the sausage was off her nose.
. I think he said without her permission. I think they should talk about three wishes. Then they think good ideas. If I were them, I think hard, because three wishes are very rare.
105 words/5605 words

fairy: 妖精
cross: 苦悩、組む


Blog Stats July 1

Number of posts
April: 14
May:  24
June: 24

Total: 5500 words