This story is about Chicken. He was scared everything, for example, mouse, shadow and snake. One day, he sit under the tree. A acorn dropped and hit him head. He thought the sky is falling. He went farm and told his company. Them went to place where acorn hit his head. Them met a fox. He guide them, but he thought eat them. He try to eat then the acorn hit him head. He thought "The sky is failing!"
"Oh no!" he said. "The sky must be falling."(P13)
I think them can escaped from fox, but I wish he wasn't scared everything and he lives strong. A acorn isn't scared.
101 words/5706 words
yikes: げっ
acorn: どんぐり
barn: 納屋
chase: 追跡
Usborne Publishing Ltd
発売日 : 2013-09-01
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