"Let me go back with you," she said. (P9)This story is about Fairies. I read chapter 1 of this book. It is "The tooth fairy." Crystal is tooth fairy. She checked something, she travel at night for her customer. She try to magic with her wand, but go wrong. She sobbed. A customer woke. She talked with her. She invited to Fairyland. They went to Fairy Store. She asked the shopkeeper. They understand a cause. They visited bad fairy, they try to get her wand. Crystal in cooperation with her. She joined the fairies for a midnight feast. She danced. She looks so happy with fairies. This picture is so pretty.
104 words/7467 words
grumble: 不平、不満を言う
sprinkle: 振りかける、まき散らす
wand: 棒、魔法の杖
sob: すすり泣く
gasp: 息切れ、驚きなどで息をのむ
hand over: 引き渡す
flutter: ひらひらはためく
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