"Found or lost, lost and found, I have the loudest voice around," sang Detective Dinosaur. (P48)This book story is Detective Dinosaur. Many dinosaurs has a lot of requests and they asks him. He solved them question, for example, he helped find Baby and he found a kitty. One night day, he go the park for patrol, he lost the way. He was cold and tired. He started sing.
His company found him, they looks so happy. I thought good,too. Them can meet by the round voice. He singing again. I think he is very glad!
79 words/5328 words
Detective Dinosaur: 探偵恐竜
pterodactyl: プテロダクティルス、翼竜
diaper: おしめ、おむつ
mud: 泥、ぬかるみ
hide-and-seek: かくれんぼ
nodded: 頷いた
alligator: アリゲーター、ワニ
meow: 熟している、肥えた
foggy: もやの立ちこめた、ぼんやりした
pity: 哀れみ、同情
brave: 勇敢な、勇ましい
drat: ちぇ、いまいましい!
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