First, Kyushu is natural, so sweets and vegetable grown well. Sweets, Strawberries and Oranges are makes in Oita. Orange is useful. Dish of Orange. I think people love it and it is delicious.
In addition in Miyazaki's Mango is very famous sweet. Kumamoto's Melon is third in Japan.
Next, Taipien.
Taipien is famous in Kumamoto. I ate it in school lunch. I think people who live in Kumamoto well know it. It is delicious.Taipien came to Kumamoto from China in Meiji era. It was arranged by Japan.

This picture is meat. Speaking of meat, Kyushu's meat is very good. For example, Saga's meat have a good reputation. Miyazaki is known by Jidori. Kumamoto is known by Basashi. It is hours.
Kyushu's food use many specially of various places, I want to eat them more. Some vegetable make food colorful.
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