
The Tortoise and the Eagle

"You have no feathers and no wings" "You're not made for flying." (P22)

   This book story is tortoise wants to fly like the eagle. So, he ask him to fly with me. The tortoise fly, but he wants to return ground. The eagle said him, "You're not made for flying."
   I think the eagle wants to say "So many men, so many mind." The tortoise has many good points and benefits. Actually, the tortoise eats some food and enjoys his life.
   I want to fly the sky, too. I think flying is very good feeling. However, I'm satisfied in my life.
88 words/3089 words

shiny shell: きらきら光る甲羅
flopped: ばたばた動いた
belly: 胃、食欲
puddle: 水たまり
dizzy: 目が回る、めまいがする

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